21 May Welcome to Málaga! Foreign internships for Polish students
20 students from Poland spend four weeks in the Malaga, on professional internship in the in the catering, hospitality, logistics and IT sectors....
20 students from Poland spend four weeks in the Malaga, on professional internship in the in the catering, hospitality, logistics and IT sectors....
11 trainees from Slovakia spent 2 weeks in the Unesco site of Úbeda carrying out professional internships in hotels as waitresses and chambermaids, and in a nursery as nutritionists....
13 students from Chocianów, Poland, came to Málaga to gain experience in the fields of mechatronic and tourism. ...
A group of 20 students from TURİZM MESLEK LİSESİ ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN AVRUPA STAJI spent three weeks in Málaga to carry out their internship....
A group of 15 students from Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych w Kielcach spent 3 weeks in Malaga. The students developed their skills in different sectors: hospitality technician, gastronomy and tourism technician....
A group of 22 students from Zespół Szkół Zawodowych i Ogólnokształcących w Biłgoraju spent 3 weeks in the stunning city of Malaga, where they completed internships that allowed them to improve their individual skill sets and upgrade their professional portfolio....
Students from Zespół Szkół Zawodowych w Giżycku on their adventure on the Iberian Peninsula. A group of 16 brave Poles came to do their abroad internship in Malaga....
In May 16 students from the Technikum Hotelarsko-Turystyczno-Gastronomiczne nr 21 in Warsaw came to Malaga for a unique professional and cultural experience....
5 students from Belgium gained many new skills and experience on internships as cooks in Málaga....
In May a group of 20 students from Zespół Szkół nr 2 im. Marii Skłodowskiej - Curie w Kwidzynie came to Malaga to gain further experience....