24 May Zielona Góra explores Málaga during Erasmus+ Programme
21 students from Zielona Góra spent three weeks in Malaga. Cooks, hairdressers, photographers, seamstresses and technician of graphic design completed their internships....
21 students from Zielona Góra spent three weeks in Malaga. Cooks, hairdressers, photographers, seamstresses and technician of graphic design completed their internships....
15 Polish students spent two weeks in Seville specialising in sewing flamenco dresses....
20 students from Zielona Góra spent three weeks in Málaga, on professional internships in sectors of hairdressing, graphic design, gastronomy, audio devices, and dressmaking....
A group of 22 students from Zespół Szkół Zawodowych i Ogólnokształcących w Biłgoraju spent 3 weeks in the stunning city of Malaga, where they completed internships that allowed them to improve their individual skill sets and upgrade their professional portfolio....
12 students from Poland spent 3 amazing weeks in Málaga and developed their skills in different sectors: electromechanics, car mechanics, and electricity....
A group of 20 students from Zespół Szkół i Placówek Kształcenia Zawodowego w Zielonej Górze came to Malaga to strengthen their profesional skills and to gain experience....
In October 2021, a group of 15 Slovakian students with their teachers was hosted by euromind in Sevilla to carry out a two weeks-long internship placement in a fashion design field. They had a great opportunity to get to know the process of sewing traditional...
During November, 15 students travelled from Greece to Spain to complete work placements in Seville. ...
At the end of September, euroMind hosted a group of trainees for three weeks from Zespol Szkol Technicznych in Plocku, Poland, in Seville to carry out a wide variety of different internships in differing sectors, including IT, photography and marketing assistants....
In September euroMind team in Úbeda welcomed a group from Zespół Szkół nr 2 im. Ks. Jana Długosza in Kłobuck. They came to Spain for a four-week internship. ...